Policies and Information

Below is a list of school policies, last updated in June 2024. We are committed to keeping our policies up-to-date. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Students are expected to show interest, motivation, and commitment in the study courses of their choice. Irregular attendance may lead to disciplinary action and possibly termination of registration.
  • Students are duty bound to follow their school timetable. Attendance for all lectures, tutorials and practical sessions is obligatory and students’ attendance is recorded daily. Unjustified absence from lectures (even a single lecture) leads to the deduction of stipend for that day.
  • Students who turn up late for lectures may not be accepted in class.
  • Students whose attendance for the lectures of a particular subject falls short of 70% will not be allowed to sit for the mid-year tests and/or the annual/end-of-course examinations unless there is a valid reason for this percentage being less than 70% . Moreover, in such cases of absenteeism the Head of School may terminate the student’s registration at GCHSS.
  • Students reporting sick, even for one day, must be covered by a medical certificate covering the day/s of absence. A scanned copy/photo of the medical certificate must be sent via email on gchss.naxxar.hs@ilearn.edu.mt by not later than five (5) working days from end of the medical term covered by the certificate.
  • Medical certificates must be filled in clearly (name, ID number, and address), signed by the student and must include the student’s mobile number on the top left corner.
  • Should the necessary days of absence be altered by the medical professional for any reason, the medical professional must sign near the altered date.
  • Long Absences: Should a student require a long absence from school for medical reasons, the student (or, if under 18 years of age, the parent/legal guardian) is to present a medical certificate every fortnight. This should be presented to the school via email on gchss.naxxar.hs@ilearn.edu.mt.
  • Students may be excused from lessons for attending funerals of family members or close relatives, sports and other competitive events, medical reasons (such as hospital appointments, dentist appointments, etc.) and examinations of local and foreign boards.
  • Students should email the school on gchss.naxxar.hs@ilearn.edu.mt asking to be excused stating the reason for their request. Emails should include the student’s name and surname, ID number and the reason.  Where available, students should attach documentation supporting their request, such as exam timetable, certificate following the hospital/dentist appointment, invitation for national sport events, boarding passes, etc.
  • Students will only be excused when going abroad for medical reasons, educational visits and when representing Malta in competitive events.
  • Students should email the school on gchss.naxxar.hs@ilearn.edu.mt indicating their name and surname, ID number and their reason for travel.  Students should attach documentation supporting their request.
  • Students will not be excused when taking holidays abroad.
  • Students who need to miss lessons due to late arrival or early departure due to illness, or other unforeseen circumstances must email the school explaining why they had to arrive late or leave early.
  • Students leaving the school due to feeling sick prior to 11.00am need to cover their absence with a medical certificate. Students who leave school after 11.00am due to feeling sick do not need to present a medical certificate. An email to the school is enough.
  • Students who abuse of the system will not be excused.
  • A minimum of 70% of attendance needs to be reached in order to be eligible for Tests/Examinations and to continue with the course.
  • Students who are eligible to sit for tests/examinations are expected to sit for all their test/examination sessions.
  • Poor attendance,unsatisfactory academic performance, or both, can lead to the termination of student registration with the school.
  • First Term: During this term the academic report includes:
    • Continuous Assessment Mark (Pass Mark: 45%)
    • Tutorials/Practicals Mark (Pass Mark: 45%).
  • Second Term: Mid-yearly tests for First Year students and End-of-Course exams for Second Year students are held during this term.  During this term the academic report includes: 
    • Continuous Assessment Mark (Pass Mark: 45%)
    • Tutorials/Practicals Mark (Pass Mark: 45%)
    • Mid-Year test mark for First Year students (Pass Mark: 45%) or End-of-Course examination mark for Second Year students (Pass Mark: 45%)
  • Third Term: End-of-Year/Annual exams for First Year students are held during this term. During this term the academic report includes:
    • Continuous Assessment Mark (Pass Mark: 45%)
    • Tutorials/Practicals Mark (Pass Mark: 45%)
    • End-of-Year/Annual examination mark for First Year students (Pass Mark: 45%)
  • Promotion to second year is based on the following criteria:
    • Either obtaining a pass mark in all End-of-Year/Annual exams or failing in only one End-of-Year/Annual exam
    • Students who fail in two End-of-Year/Annual exams may be promoted to Second Year based on their overall academic performance as evidenced by the Academic Reports
    • Students who fail in three or more subjects will not be promoted unless there is a valid reason for their failure.
  • Only registered students and members of staff are allowed to enter the school premises without requesting permission. Other persons, including friends of registered students, are not allowed on campus unless with proper permission.
  • Students are allowed on the premises during normal school hours during term time, i.e. Monday to Friday , between 08:00 and 15:05. The Head of School or an authorised person acting on his/her behalf may grant special permission to students to be on the premises at other times as long as they are accompanied by personnel recognised by the Head of School.
  • Students must be always in possession of a GCHSS ID card while on school premises. This must be presented whenever requested by members of staff and security officers. Students will not be allowed on campus without proper identification. This also applies should students require to submit coursework or sit for tests and/or exams.  Students are to inform the school administration immediately should they lose their GCHSS ID card. A new GCHSS ID card will be issued.
  • It is the responsibility of students to provide truthful information and fill in forms correctly and legibly at the application stage and thereafter. Submission of false information may lead to immediate termination of registration.
  • GCHSS expects its students to show utmost respect to all members of staff at all the time.
  • Students are expected to access their MS Teams portal and iLearn e-mail account regularly and keep themselves continuously updated with any subject department notices on the school website.
  • Harassment of any kind, bullying and discrimination will NOT be tolerated. Students are expected to always treat each other courteously, whether in class during lesson time or elsewhere on campus at any other time.
  • Students should contact the Head of School or any other member of the school administration if they feel they are being treated unfairly by a member of staff or fellow student/s.
  • No form of intimacy whatsoever is tolerated on school premises.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in all areas on campus.
  • Alcoholic drinks and illicit substances are prohibited.
  • Disciplinary action will be taken against students for improper language.
  • All forms of gambling are prohibited.
  • Affixing any commercial or publicity posters and stickers anywhere on campus without the prior authorisation of the Head of School is not allowed.
  • Students are only allowed to use the lift on grounds of sickness or injury only. Prior authorisation from the Head of School is required.
  • The use of skateboards is strictly prohibited. Bicycles should be parked in suitable areas and remain the sole responsibility of the owners.
  • Any form of accidental damage to property or equipment on school premises must be reported to members of staff who will keep the Head of School informed for any necessary further action to be taken.
  • Acts of vandalism are not tolerated and should be reported. Students involved in such acts will be subject to commensurate disciplinary action.
  • Students are NOT allowed to carry items that can cause bodily harm, damage to property or are potentially hazardous.
  • The school campus should be always kept clean and tidy.
  • Students should not make excessive noise anywhere on school premises, including during the break and change of lessons.
  • Students are expected to follow instructions carefully and to the letter whenever an Emergency Drill takes place at school.
  • Students are expected to be properly dressed for a school environment, usually in casual. Suitability and propriety in dress and appearance are expected. 
  • Students with an improper attire will NOT be allowed on school premises. This includes sleeveless tops, strapless/narrow straps and low-cut tops, bare midriffs, T-shirts, or tops with offensive or political slogans, miniskirts, and shorts (knee-level shorts are allowed), piercing and jewellery that are deemed unsuitable attire for an educational institution.

First Aid boxes are sign posted, and located in each school block.  It is important that all members of staff and students follow this procedure when a student or member of staff sustains an injury or needs some kind of assistance:

  • In case of emergency, the School Administration must immediately be informed.
  • Any member of the staff can call 112 for an ambulance to take student to hospital, keeping the school administration informed at all times.
  • The teacher responsible for the student must at once inform the School Administration or the Assistant Head of the Block.
  • The School Administration will assess the situation and call parents/guardians and, if the need arises, send student home.
  • Students who see an accident happen should immediately inform a member of staff.
  • An AED is available in the Administration Block. Please follow instructions once it is activated.

On discovery of a fire:

  • Activate the fire alarm call point (break glass point) where available or contact nearest administration. Only tackle fire with the proper fire-fighting equipment if there is no danger to you and you are aware of the correct procedures to use the equipment.


On hearing the fire alarm: 

  • Students are to follow their teacher to the designated assembly point (AP) in an orderly fashion. Do not run.  If possible, the last one out is to close the classroom door.
  • Students should remain with their teacher at the AP of the building the lesson was held in.
  • It is important to remain with your class and teacher throughout the evacuation exercise.
  • Remember that evacuation is the priority. It is not necessary to close windows and turn off any electrical or gas appliances.  However, if a gas leak is suspected, DO NOT SWITCH ON/OFF ANY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT.  
  • Do NOT take any personal belongings (i.e. school bags, books etc…).
  • Do NOT use mobile phones during the fire evacuation exercise. 
  • Do NOT use lifts during a fire evacuation.
  • Follow instructions of Assembly point monitors (in high visibility clothing).
  • Once at the assembly point, the teachers will take class attendance and any missing students will be reported to the assembly monitors.
  • Do not re-enter any building unless instructed to do so by a competent authority.
  • If you are not in class when the alarm rings, you are to leave the block you are in from the nearest exit point and proceed to the designated assembly point.  If you are on school grounds you are to proceed to nearest assembly point.  You should stay with the persons you were with before the alarm was sounded and report to AP monitors (in high visibility clothing) any missing persons.
  • No one will be allowed to exit or enter the school premises during an evacuation exercise.
  • If you are stopped from entering the school premises, please park your car away from the gate so as not to obstruct emergency vehicles.


Evacuation Procedures

  • New Block
    • Floor 1,2,3:   Staff and students are to proceed through the main exit to the basketball court.
    • Floor 0: Staff and students are to exit next to the Guidance room and proceed to the outdoor grounds where they are to assemble at  the basketball court.
    • Library:  Staff and students are to exit through the library emergency door and assemble at the outdoor car park below the canteen, closest to th elow wall of the basketball court.
  • Gym
    • Staff and students are to exit the gym from main exit and proceed to the outdoor grounds and assemble at the outdoor car park below the canteen.
  • Belvedere Block
    • All staff and students are to use the main exit as a fire route and proceed to the far left of the belvedere.
  • Lecture Block
    • 1st Floor: Students and staff are to proceed through the main exit to the football ground through stairs at Belvedere.
    • 2nd Floor: Students and staff are to proceed through the main exit to the football ground through stairs at Belvedere.
    • Ground Floor: Students and staff are to proceed through the main exit to the football ground through stairs at Belvedere.
    • Chemistry & Physics Labs: Students and staff are to exit from their fire exit doors and proceed to the football ground through stairs at Belvedere.
    • Lower Ground Floor Rooms:  Students and staff are to exit from the side exit near the assistant head’s office and proceed to the  football ground through stairs at Belvedere.
  • Administration Block
    • Offices: Exit through the side exit opposit the lecture block and assemble in the outdoor car park below the canteen.
    • 1st Floor: Exit through the main exit and assemble in the outdoor car park below the canteen.
    • Administration Annex: Exit through Pjazzetta M.A. Vassalli and assemble in the outdoor car park below the canteen.
    • Backstage Block: Exit through backstage exit and assemble in the outdoor car park below the canteen.
  • Canteen
    • Exit and assemble in the car park in front of the canteen.
  • Chapel
    • Exit and assemble at the outdoor car park below the canteen.

Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School’s Diversity Policy is founded on the principle that diversity and inclusion are integral to the school’s ethos. At GCHSS, we embrace and celebrate diversity in all its forms, recognizing that each individual brings a unique perspective and value to our educational community.

GCHSS warmly welcomes students from all backgrounds, regardless of their abilities, race, age, creed, gender, or sexual orientation. We are dedicated to integrating diversity and equal opportunity into every aspect of school activities and encourage dialogue, respect, and appreciation for one another’s differences, fostering a culture of unity and acceptance.

At Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School, we foster an inclusive and respectful educational environment where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and succeed, regardless of their background or personal characteristics.

International students applying to continue their studies at GCHSS and do not have an eID must apply directly at the school. Students should first obtain a Recognition Statement from the Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre (MQRIC) to certify their level of education obtained. A minimum of MQF Level 3 or equivalent is accepted by GCHSS.

International students need to present the following documentation:

  • A copy of the Recognition Statement of their academic qualifications
  • A copy of their valid residence permit obtained from Identità
  • A copy of their original passport or ID card


International students under the age of 18 also require the following documentation:

  • A copy of their parents’/guardians’ original passport or ID card
  • A copy of their parents’/guardians’ valid residence permit
  • A copy of one of their parents’/guardians’ work permit or business licence
  • A copy of one of their parents’/guardians’ contract of lease of residence


Third country nationals, i.e. students from outside the European Union, the European Economic Area, United Kingdom and Switzerland, are requested to pay the respective fee at the Ministry for Education (Floriana) and present a receipt of payment for the whole scholastic year upon application. Third country nationals may benefit from an exemption of fees. This may be verified by contacting the Ministry for Education.

Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School aims to promote the inclusion of all students by providing for flexibility in the enrolment process of students with individual educational needs. Students who require support must produce a statement of support as issued by the Statementing Moderating Panel and other relevant documentation.

Applications from students with individual educational needs are processed in advance during the summer recess to ensure that the support requested can be provided. Parents of statemented students are kindly requested to email the school during the application phase. However, for students to be eligible, it is to be noted that all applicants still need to fulfil basic entry requirements.

Students with individual educational needs can benefit from the following support structure: 

  • An Assistant Head of School designated for the responsibility of inclusive education
  • The service of Learning Support Educators
  • Regular meetings as the need arises
  • Counselling and Guidance to help students with individual educational needs in:
    • Their choice of subjects.
    • Personal counselling and special arrangements for school and MATSEC examinations.
    • Personal and social development sessions tailor made for the individual student.
    • Developing links with other agencies and educational entities including JobsPlus, MCAST, ITS, and the University of Malta.
    • Empowering them to make their voices heard and to participate fully in the educational process at school.
    • The provision of any other support deemed necessary and appropriate.

GCHSS acknowledges the importance of the social and digital media in the teaching and learning process coupled with the usual pedagogical methods as directed by the educator. The school shall strive to ensure that students can benefit from official social and digital media platforms as is reasonably and technologically feasible.

  • The official pedagogical platforms recognised by GCHSS are Microsoft Teams and MySchool.
  • The use of technological devices during lessons shall exclusively be for educational purposes as directed by the educator.
  • Students shall keep their mobile phones switched off or on silent mode during lesson contact hours.
  • Studnts shall not be allowed to make or receive calls during lesson contact hours, both through laptop and mobile phones. In exceptional circumstances, students may inform the educator that they need to make or receive a call for valid personal reasons. This may be allowed at the discretion of the educator.
  • The setting of assignments on a digital platform and the subsequent electronic submission and correction, marking or provision of feedback on any work by the students shall be at the discretion of the educator.
  • The taking, publishing and distribution of photographs or videos during lesson contact hours is strictly prohibited unless authorised by an educator. Any permitted photographs or videos shall not include images of the educator or any of the other students in class unless with authorised consent.
  • Any photographs or videos taken on campus with individual students or staff as intended subjects can only be published and distributed if there is official consent by the person/s involved.
  • GCHSS reserves the right to take and publish photographs and videos of its campus or any events held on its premises or outside as long as the events are organised by the school.
  • Student email communication with GCHSS staff shall be through the iLearn account address.
  • Students should make an effort to redirect emails received in their iLearn email account to their other non-official email accounts so as not to miss out on any official communication sent by the school.

The data protection policy can be downloaded from here.

The data retention policy can be downloaded from here.