Our Guiding Principle

Our Mission Statement

To provide further education opportunities through the comprehensive development
of our students’ competences in a caring learning environment.

To offer a second-chance education focused on high academic achievement.

Who We Are

Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School (GCHSS) is a leading post-secondary education institution in Malta, that was established in 1984. The school caters for students who, upon completion of compulsory education, intend to further their academic or vocational studies at Tertiary Level, or gain or improve basic qualifications for direct employment.  

The school offers academic courses in a wide range of academic subjects at Advanced, Intermediate, and Ordinary (SEC) Level that form part of the Matriculation Certificate, necessary for entry into undergraduate courses offered by the University of Malta and abroad.

The GCHSS experience goes beyond the standard academic dimension. The school embraces the need to nurture youths through a holistic education that enables them to develop essential life skills for more fruitful lifelong prospects. To this effect GCHSS also offers a range of non-formal enrichment programmes, some of which that are also accredited at EQF/MQF Level 3.

GCHSS students fall mostly within the 16-18 year old age bracket. However, the school is also open to adult learners beyond 18 years of age and who would like to pursue an academic programme that is specifically tailormade to suit their individual needs.

The school embraces diversity. International students are most welcome to enrol and make the most out of the GCHSS opportunity.

The school ethos is about empowering youths. This is implemented through a second chance mission that gives students the space and opportunity to improve their qualifications and get involved in a variety of initiatives, events, activities, and projects that are organised on and off campus during the scholastic year. Students can also benefit from support groups such as the Guidance and Counselling Team that offers advice on various matters including choice of subjects, personal development and career prospects, managing stress, and relationship and psychological issues.

Students are also given the opportunity to contest and take part in a democratic process that elects, annually, their own Representative Council. The council acts as a forum through which students can voice their opinions about life on campus, liaise with the school administration, and organise events.

The GCHSS experience is meant to facilitate the transition from secondary school to Higher education and the world of work.